Beyond Science and Decisions: From Problem Formulation to Dose-Response Assessment


Introductions & Updates
Dose Response Advisory Committee
Tiffany Bredfeldt, Julie Fitzpatrick, Lynn Pottenger

Keynote Talk: Incorporating New Technologies into Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment: Moving from 21st Century Vision to a Data-Driven Framework
Rusty Thomas, The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Presentation of Beyond Science & Decisions Dose Response Framework and Discussion
Lynne Haber, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment

EPA's Response to NRC Framework Recommendation: Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment to Inform Decision Making
Rita Schoeny, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Update: Ethylene Oxide Mode of Action
William Gulledge, American Chemistry Council

Update: The Occupational Alliance for Risk Science (OARS)

Jimmy Perkins, University of Texas Health Science Center

Update: Naphtalene Mode of Action (MOA)
Lorenz Rhomberg, Gradient

Update: Structure Activity Relationships Applied to Short Term Exposures
Tiffany Bredfeldt, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Combined Exposures Framework
Bette Meek, Universit of Ottawa

Case studies

Development of Screening Tools for the Interpretation of Chemical Biomonitoring Data
Richard A. Becker, Sean M. Hays, Steven Robison, Lesa L. Aylward, Christopher R. Kirman

Criteria Requirements for Data-Driven Carcinogenicity Mode of Action (MOA) Determinations as Exemplified by Chloroform
Chris Borgert, Applied Pharmacology Toxicology Inc.

Value of Information: Approach and Case Studies
Eric Ruder, Henry Roman

The Human Relevant Potency Threshold: Reducing Uncertainty by Human Calibration of Cumulative Risk Assessments
Chris Borgert, Applied Pharmacology Toxicology Inc.

Methods for Deriving Inhalation Effect Levels for Comparison to Health-Protective Values
Roberta Grant



For more information, please contact Oliver Kroner.