Background Documents for VCCEP Peer Consultation

The December 26, 2000 Federal Register notice (65 FR 81700) listed a number of documents to be provided to the VCCEP peer consultation panels.  These documents include the guidelines for conducting toxicity studies from (1) the U.S. EPA's Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), (2) U.S. EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS), and (3) the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.  They also include a number of U.S. EPA handbooks and as article from the American Chemistry Council.  Links to these documents are listed below.


ACC. 2000.   Retrospective Validation of Tiered Toxicity Testing Triggers. February 23, 2000. Prepared for Chemical Manufacturers Association (now known as American Chemistry Council).  Prepared by Van Gemert & Hauswirth, LLC.


ASTM.  ASTM Test Guideline E1163-98.  American Society for Testing and Materials.


OECD.  Test Guidelines.  Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.


U.S. EPA.  2000.  Child-specific exposure factors handbook.  NCEA-W-0853.  Washington, DC: National Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development.


U.S. EPA.  2000.  Peer review handbook – 2nd Edition.  EPA 100-B-00-001.  Washington, DC:  Science Policy Council, Office of Research and Development.


U.S. EPA.  2000.  Peer review handbook- 3rd Edition.  EPA 100-B-00-002.  Washington, DC: Science Policy Council, Office of Research and Development.


U.S. EPA.  2000.  Toxic substances control act test guidelines.  40 CFR part 799, pp.  280-312, 319-344.


U.S. EPA.  1998.  Guidelines for neurotoxicity risk assessment.  Fed Reg 63(93): 26926-26954.


U.S. EPA.  1998.  Health effects test guidelines, 870 Series.  Washington, DC:  Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances.


U.S. EPA.  1996.  Guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment.  Fed Reg  61(79): 17960-18011.


U.S. EPA.  1996.  Guidelines for reproductive toxicity risk assessment.  Fed Reg 61(212):  56274-56322.


U.S. EPA.  1992.  Guidelines for exposure assessment.  Fed Reg 57(104): 22888-22938.


U.S. EPA.  1991.  Guidelines for developmental toxicity risk assessment.  Fed Reg 56(234):  63798-63828.